Saturday, March 8, 2008

Xuxa and Brazilian Stuff

I was listening to some music from someplace not cold and wet, and i remembered the fabulous and unpronouncable Xuxa. El show de Xuxa. Actually its el xou de xuxu. Xuxa. Sorry.

This show always puzzled me. I never understood a word of it, but i knew the blonde was really pretty and the studio design was really tacky and therefore, awesome. Her outfits were also kinda risque, but then again, how could you focus on anything for more than ten seconds? The whole place seemed like such a fantastic mess. As opposed to an unfantastic mess like Queens NY where i used to watch it.

I still cant follow it. I saw: a cat sing to Xuxa, and a weirdo turtle thing get married to a pig.

Here is a balao magical (which i assume means magical balloon), which roughly translates into bad sid and marty kroft ripoff.

That worm is hot. Actually this whole damn thing is great. From the pederast lookin dude with the jheri curl to the orange balloon with the orange for a head, it delivers on all ends.

And who knew the orange was so talented? Remember her aria? (Sesame Street).

Oh and heres some funness on jheri the curl

A hairstyle popular in the 1980's among urban black americans. A jheri curl was a two-part application that consisted of a texturizer and an activator. The texturizer used awful-smelling chemicals to turn interesting kinky hair into lank, lifeless stringy curls that hung down, while the activator kept the subsequently damaged hair from breaking and falling off while providing an oily, slimy sheen reminiscent of kelp that had just washed up on the beach.

...Also, application of water to the jheri curl caused the activator to rinse out and subsequently left the hair a frizzy, damaged mess, so people with jheri curls by necessity avoided the swimming pool; the need to keep the hair from water probably gave rise to the urban trend of wearing shower caps over one's hair outside. (ed: Huh? Urban trend of wearing shower caps outside? Really? That is actually WORSE than the curl. Congrats.