Thursday, July 10, 2008

Im On This Like White On Rice

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! What is this? What is this?

DC Recordings: an answer to my prayers?

MIXES by DC Artists and Songs
*listen to em all, but the White light circus one is especially good. Starts a bit slo, but makes up for it. And yes, Im biased b/c it has a cloud one song in it. But that doesn't mean its not good. B/c it is and you need to get on it.

This is a record label that i found through a song, through a band, through a google search and lo! a label with a bunch of good things on it! I spent all last night going through this website and this label etc and cot damn! Nice work. Color me impressed and color me poor since Im going to probably buy a bunch of records from them. Color me also semi informed re: prog rock now, b/c there is some prog rock thrown in these mixes. I like it: being fed good food w/o knowing its good for me.

In addition to the good mixes, the bands themselves are actually good! Despite being English! The record covers are good too! WTF England?

Not since Mo' Wax have I been this excited about England and its music. I SHUDDER to think that the UK may have gotten its groove back. The exchange rate is too awful for this to happen.

but back to free and pleasant things.

Shoegazy Fields! Revisited! ALLLRIGHT!
The Oscillation/ The Orichalc Phase

There is a serious lack of this stuff (these bands) on the toob, so enjoy the mixes. Im breaking out the marmite* and PG Tipps.

*Yes, I do eat it, and have for years (yes, VGMT its better). Its healthy and its especially fun to tell people you don't like that its actually english chocolate and watch what happens when they eat it. Well its fun if you like making a hypocrite throw up. At the time I sure did. Still do.
See you in hell, i guess!