Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The closest ill get to Xenon Disco

and its wonderful flashing cassette tape.

Everyone moans about the demise of the Garage, the Loft and blah blah, but to me, the real disco interior design tragedy is the demise of Xenon. I dont think Ive ever seen a tackier decor in my life. Its like a bagel nosh turned into a disco.

I like my interiors "did" and "seizure inducing"- and Xenon looks like it put an awful lot of effort making sure that every odd looking piece of flashing junk made its way onto the walls, floors and ceilings.

Transport me back in time, give me some goddamn earplugs (b'c i really dont like MOST italo disco/JBtz) and give me a bagel.

Orlando Johnson: Chocolate City

Filliponio: All'arrembaggio
Some sexy italian stuff sung by a not so sexy italian man. He gets the Patric Duvet award for stage presence.