Saturday, December 27, 2008

2008: Awful Sh*t on the Internet

Im reminded of that scene in the Simpsons where Comic Book Guy is gonna be hit by a missile and realizes that he spent his life reading comic books....and gloats "LIFE WELL SPENT"!

Over and Over: From (maybe) Chic a go go

I SCOURED my email and myspace acct trying desperately to find this again. Im so glad its up. This video alone could make my entire year.

Ace Hits the Big Time The Dance Fight

You know, this was by FAR the most popular piece of crap i introduced everyone to this year. It still gives me the giggles; the homoeroticism, the may never ever get old.

Speaking of OLD! (and possibly decaying as they are playing!)

The Hal Green Trio: From Stairway to Stardom

There was steep competition in the STWY to STNDM category. This fine fine show produced a WHOLE SLEW of awful awful awful crap that is supposed to pass for music. My favorite is Hal Green bc/ everyone seems like they are falling asleep as they play. And hes so off key. And b/c the song is pretty retarded. Actually, I wouldnt be surprised if they are all playing different songs- each awful in their own special way, and combined make up some sort of "super awful".

More Stairway to Stardom HERE! GO GO GO!

Even MORE S2S and, AND Bye Bye Life (appropriate after watching S2S clips)