Thursday, April 24, 2008

Adventures in Success: Will Powers

What the HELL is this about? And why do i love it?

Look at everyone who used to be (and in some cases, still are) relevant talking about just WHO IS WILL POWERS?

The video (Adventures in Success)

From Wiki:

Will Powers was the stage name used by celebrity photographer, Lynn Goldsmith, when she created a self help comedy music album. The album, entitled Dancing for Mental Health, uses affirmations set to music to poke fun at the self help entrepeners who "build the listener's inner self and encourage personal growth through the thought that anything is possible".
Will Powers is portrayed by Goldsmith during the spoken word sections as well as in the sung sections; her voice processed through a vocoder. Goldsmith's key musical collaborators were Jacob Brackman and Steve Winwood. Additional contributors to the recording include Sting, Nile Rodgers, Todd Rundgren, Carly Simon, and Tom Bailey.

Well that tears it. This is completely the coolest thing ive ever seen.