Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Halloween Costume

I went nowhere. I did dress up tho. As a person who is still is into indie rock. I got into it. I even made a tape while i cleaned my den of all the crap i was listening to as i tripped down england highschool bowl haircut memory lane. The Church! Sinead Oconnor (Hands on me, not NC2U)! Big Audio Dynamite! And of course, eventually I wandered my way into Massive Attack, which of course leads to Fox Base Alpha. And then i said, ah fuck it, and just listened to that instead.

This is another one of "those songs" that makes me feel all kinda weird. Im about as romantic as, um, well...someone who isnt at all romantic, but even I "get" this song. Awww. Its just so sad. She's so sad! She loves him! He dont love her! He loves someone else! That sucks hard! I guess I identify with St Etienne's brand of retro-socio-sexual sadness? Or am i just susceptible to suggestion? Did i get it from my mom? Is it because of the Australian? Did i leave the iron on?

AnyOCD, I may have even put this song up before. And if i did? Eh. Good. There are few things that deserve repeated exposure: st etienne's spring is one of them. In fact, this whole record is good. Nay. Great. I'd say one of the best records from 91 if not the best.

After 91? Eh.