Tuesday, October 21, 2008

my favorite band

It didnt take me more than 4 minutes of editing that smiths thing before i said to myself....I need to write up about how much i like New Order. B/c I really like that band. Always good records. Even when they are "meh" they are good. If you like Joy Division more than New Order, then i dont want you reading my blog anymore. Its bad enough I married someone who likes them better, and thats some "eternal sunshine/spotless mind worthy" shit for me.

New Order is probably the reason i dont bother writing songs. Why the hell should i? They just wrote them all for me. I may not have understood that going down was about, um, not jackson pollack paintings, but i "got" all the new order songs. They covered all my feelings nicely. Better than I could have- certainly much more poetic and weighty than something i could come up with. Im happy to leave it to the pros. Its why i dont cut my own hair or make my own clothing. Its also why i DONT read Pitchfork.

Anypitchforkhasterribletaste, New Order was that happy medium that i would PRAY for when out: just one goddamn song would be enough to satisfy me for an evening. Something to dance to that didnt have whining about hearts and meat or wasnt the stone fucking roses.

Blue Monday

The Beach 12 Inch.

The Perfect Kiss.

directed by Demme it says. Big deal. Wish they would have recorded it better.

From the Republic record: GREAT VIDEO. Proof they still had it at that time.

I just really dig this video. Doesnt take away from the song and reminds me of South Beach.