Thursday, March 19, 2009

Does anyone remember this piece of crap?

Wow. What once was, in my mind at least, a rather decent highlight of like 90s pop culture has now morphed into FURTHER PROOF that i had ZERO TASTE in highschool/the early part of college.

Donovan Lietch and I forget the other dudes name singing the theme song to "thurstons alley" from High Octane, a show that was once on the tubes but has since been wiped off the face of the earth by some kinda benevolent (malevolent?*) deity.

Ok first: Can i tell you how IN LOVE i was with Donovan L? Naturally he didnt know i existed (although we did breathe the same air on about fifty or so occasions) but i thought he was just fantastic. It started in 93 when i saw his crappy band open up for Blur and Pulp @ the academy, but back then i was a little "damon distracted" so it didnt "kick in" till college. Then when id see him places, Id stand around and gawk like a moron while my foofy boyfriend made fun of me. So this video really hurts me on a personal level. I cant understand how i could ever, EVER, like someone in those glasses. Is that silver lipstick he is wearing?SILVER LIPSTICK? I cant. I just cant. I even taped the premier of Nancy Boy's shitty video on 12o mins on VHS. FACK.

*Second: Damn that part of me that actually wants to see more of this crapfest. I just cant leave well enough alone. I wont be happy until almost everything i thought was "good" in high school/college aside from the stone roses is ruined by the beat down stick of reality. I dont remember it being THAT terrible, but after admitting to the above, im not so sure i "trust" my own opinion on this.

Misty water-colored memories..of the way they were....

BONUS: If you type lyrics for internets use a spellcheck