Monday, January 19, 2009

These Charming Men: The Happy Mondays

You know, of all the cds that were stolen from me by the cruelest crackhead in the universe, (and yes, i assume there are crackheads dispersed throughout the universe), I miss my Happy Mondays cds the most.

Never mind that half of them skipped. It was skippage from massive amounts of use and travel. Ohhhh how i love(d) that band. Ive read all the books about them. I owned all the records (except Yes Please, cos well, we dont "talk" about that record). Ive spent a lifetime regretting my missing their show at Great Adventure. (yes Rev., you can gloat here). I did change shirts in the crowd (rather than lose my spot) at a Black Grape show, so that should show you the kind of dedication i have. Why?

Bc I believe in the power of the fantastic mess. I LOVE fantastic messes. Authentic fantastic mess (cos you cant fake it). And the mondays (well Shaun and Bez) were one fantastic mess. They set the gold standard for it musically. There can never be, and never will be, a more entertaining band. Lyrically, one comes close. Not only that, but Shaun has had THREE successful shots at fame despite his rather colossal messery and screwed them up. Most get one. Shaun got THREE. Bez got three. And Bez really didnt do much of anything besides "be Bez".

Im a simple city boy with simple country tastes...

Yes yes, i liked 24 hours party people, but come ON. What a way to open a record! Its so stupid but so brilliant at the same time.

And when its hot, you start to melt...cos youre not made of gin, youre made of chocolate"

Yes im going by album here. Im also gonna fuck it up cos i cant remember where "Hallejuyah" came in.
Back to WFL. What a great song. This pretty much sealed it. This song put me from "yeah, they are great" to "OHGOODGOD". I had so many fights with the "ladypantlads" over this band, and forged many good friends from my admiration of em. See, Mondays fans are snobs. We understand their greatness as a band, and if you dont, well... you just dont, "know".

Good goodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgooddoubledoublegood.

The "ill have what Shaun's having" song. Never heard this out, but certainly heard it coming home.

"god made it easy on me":

Gods Cop: A song about stealing, sex, cellphones, gold amex and um doing drugs and what happens when you get Oakenfold to produce a record. The song where all the Mondays fans would steal the dancefloor from the London Loves idiots (read; ladypants).

We all learn to box at the midget club...

Again. Really. Good luck to you if you understand what the hell this song is about. "Honey hows your breathing...if it stops for good we'll be leaving".

Four fall in a bed...

Ah, bobs yer uncle. Spent lots of time analyzing what exactly is going on in that bed despite the fact that, whoa boy, if it includes Ryder (any one of them) that is one FUGLY ASS party. Really. Like a "phone me when its over and youve been through decontamination and had some bloodwork" party.

And finally.
Hallejuyah. The boys make a rather reeeeeetarded video and praise ya (and fill ya full of maaaaaaace and junk).

Look! Its Bez! I never got the chance to see Bez. Sigh.

Bonus! Stereo Mcs.

Why is this here? B/c i was gonna put up the Farm and eh, I think groovy train deserves to be left in the past.

PS. If the band Holy Ghost is named after the song by the Mondays I seriously will like, drop dead of excitement.