Lets Laugh.
"they never use toothpaste...but they've got 2.50 to go and see the Clash. Tonight." This reminds me of a "clothing party" i was at where everyone had homeless teeth and 300$ outfits on.
I love the clash, but i love toothpaste more. Actually id buy a travel size paste and srounge for the remainder. Cant meet the boys w/o fresh breath.
Is there anything better than this song? No. It was perfect to begin with, and then they added it to Whiskey (a snowboarding flick you should get) and it became ULTRA perfect.
Another 10 punk rock record.
Fat ass bouncers kick the shit out of kids who try to dance...Oh how i love this band. This song. Everything. Its so perfect. Its so mean, but its dead on.
Motorhead: Iron Fist
Weee! I love motorhead. I also love how i typed in Iron Fish by accident and the song still came up. Yay for everything. Especially Motorhead.
The Pop Group: Shes Beyond Good & Evil
Sorry. I always get shit for loving this song. But I do. Its like punk rock love song. And that guitar. I like that guitar. On the minus side, its got stuuuupid lyrics. But who cares. I sure dont- as long as it doesnt mention a vegetable, im good.
My high school love- X Ray Spex. Loralogic. Poly. Damn girls!
Germ Free...another record you should really have if you dont.
I still love this band. I miss my jacket with the gigantic xrs tshirt that i cut out and sewed on it. im old. WAAAAAHH!
PS. I sill have my Riot grrrrl news letter. Embarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrassing! Im pro boy! I cant stand the whole riot grrrl thing. Never dug it.