Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sweet Stuff & Sonic Infamy

Good song? Kept my coffee hot for two hours! WIN WIN!
Her outfit? LOSE LOSE.

And b/c im breaking down and buying this today. B/c i want them to have my money. B/c they made a quality record.

How come no one makes a big deal about this band? And everyone made a big whoop about that OTHER band. You know who im talking about. This band is WAY better and the girls are hotter.

Oh and does she say Sonic Infamy? Cos that is dope if she does, but i think its Atomic Infamy. Which would make sense.

You know what? This band writes sexy music. Like sylvia above. And, OH MY LORD, nary a mention of someone's vag or penis! In fact, I think the closest they get (and this award goes to sylvia) is some sort of metaphor about being some dudes blanket. Grrr!

My long and belabored musical point? Um... i guess that Im not really into sex songs that are disgusting and graphic. And there's been a lot of that around lately. I think it needs to stop. Almost immediately. Im standing up for seduction b/c its like a dead language or something. Sex deserves a light touch I guess. Or an English touch.

Shudder. An English touch? Never mind.

You know who had a light English touch? She did.

Yes, its a Justine Frischmann thing again. I cant help it, she's just so cool. Allow me to gush. Any british girl band always makes me think of Justine I guess. The british, smart(assy) and talented chick who writes good songs about sex, has a great band and doesn't slut it all up but is sexy as hell. Justine is/was all those things. Justine. Justine! Bitch was everywhere in the 90s and nowhere in 00s (like me!) and i just love that. She's jewish; love that too. And, most impressive in my opinion, she was the inspiration for the purtiest, saddest, loveliest song about a breakup. UNlike me. I never got any love songs. I got mean(ish) you piss me off songs. And not just one song/band. I guess that's kinda love. I actually used to find it flattering, but now Im sorta feeling bad by comparison. So much for my sonic contribution.

Hey! Wait a second...Im sonicly infamous! Technically speaking, I am, right?

I feel sort of better now. A small victory for a small person with small goals.